Arga was "the first to fall" and Balmore, her mate, was known as "the first to rise". Both were very unique in their own way, nothing like any animal that had ever walked the earth. 


Balmore and Arga fell in love and from that love 4 fox pups were born. Each with even more magical powers than their parents. 

Clay was born with the power of reading tree memories and he was an expert in wood widdling. He is a gentle and easygoing character.

Cyra, the first Ember fox, had a fierce character and didn't shy away from any challenge. Her paws were always warm - cindering hot even. When she concentrates, she can even melt things by steering her body heat to her front paws.

Iris was the dreamer of the family. She wanted nothing more than to fly, high up in the clouds. One day she became so desperate that she jumped from the highest cliff in Felwood. But she did not fall to her death... no, she flew. 

Beck is a calm fella, even more so than his brother Clay. Beck loved water from the moment he was born. No animal can hold their breath as long as he can and thanks to that he was the first creature to discover the hidden magic at the bottom of the lake.